About us

The Idea

We built Whistler early in 2015 to provide a better solution for protecting both whistleblowers and organisations.

The security measures used in Whistler ensure that the identity of whistleblowers can be fully protected, reducing the risk of reprisals. This increases the likelihood that an individual will be prepared to make a report.

At the same time, we've made the whistleblower reports highly secure, reducing the risk of leaks that may destroy a company's reputation. This gives the company the space necessary to conduct a full and proper investigation.

Think Whistler might be suitable for your organisation?

Get in touch with us now to start a free 30-day trial.

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Our Team

Sau Sheong Chang

Sau Sheong oversees the development of Whistler, and is leads the engineering effort. He has worked in senior engineering roles at PayPal, Yahoo, Garena, and Hewlett Packard. He is the author of several programming books on Ruby and Go, and is a regular speaker at technology conferences around the world.

Grant Rayner

Grant is responsible for product management and customer experience. He is an experienced security professional, with over 22 years of commercial security experience in the Asia Pacific region. Grant has lived and worked in Singapore since 2002. Prior to that Grant served for over 13 years in the Australian Defence Force.

Our Company

Second Path was incorporated in Singapore in 2012.

We develop applications designed to make work easier for security and compliance professionals.