Whistler Features

If confidentiality, privacy and anonimity are critical to your organisation, then Whistler is the best option for your secure whistleblower reporting service.

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Whistler is simple to manage and use.

Account Setup

We take care of the initial account setup for you. We just need to know some basic details about your organisation.

You'll need to add Authorised Persons. These are the people in your organisation that will have access to whistleblower reports. For example, you may choose your Head of Security and Head of Compliance. We recommend at least two people.

That's it. You'll be up and running in minutes.


You will have a dedicated URL for your reporting page. You should socialise this URL in your compliance training, by email, and in awareness posters around your facility.


To make a confidential report, the whistleblower goes to the URL and completes an online form. As soon as the report has been submitted, all Authorised Persons will receive an email. This email will contain a unique decryption key to open the report.

Reading a report

To read a report, the Authorised Person must first sign in to Whistler. They then enter the decryption key, which will decrypt and open the report, making it available for reading.

Case Management

Whistler includes tightly integrated case management features, enabling you to initiate and manage cases relating to whistleblower reports.

Learn more about Whistler's features

Whistler offers benefits for organisations as well as whistleblowers.


Whistler is inexpensive and easy to implement, providing a robust compliance solution at a low cost.


Available for a low annual subscription plan, Whistler is inexpensive to implement and maintain.

As a purely online solution, Whistler is significantly less expensive than hotlines, and is not prone to abuse which can result in high call charges.

Easy to implement

We can set up an account for you and have you running within 24 hours or less.

As soon as your account has been set up, you'll be allocated a URL for reporting, which you can provide to your employees.

The onboarding process couldn't be simpler.

No training required

Your employees do not need any training to use Whistler. So long as employees have access to the report URL, that’s all they need to make a report.

From an organisational perspective, this means that Whistler can be implemented quickly and at minimal cost.

Meets privacy requirements

Whistler does not collect any data aside from basic sign in information and session data. We do not record the IP addresses of people making reports. As such, there are minimal concerns about privacy, including GDPR.

Read our privacy statement here.

Employees are less likely to use hotlines

Learn why employees are more likely to use secure online services like Whistler rather than voice hotlines.

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Whistler is secure, anonymous, easy to use, and available anywhere.

No sign in

Whistleblowers do not need to sign in to Whistler, and are not required to set up a user account. This protects the identity of whistleblowers when they access the service. This also makes it very easy for whistleblowers to make a report. For organisations, this also means no ongoing user administration or privacy concerns.

No data collection

Whistler does not collect any data on whistleblowers. The application does not record IP addresses, location, browser information, or details about the whistleblower's computer or operating system. The report page does not embed third-party content or deliver session or persistent cookies to the whistleblower's browser. The report page does not use website analytics programs (e.g., Google Analytics) or any other tracking that can identify IP addresses, locations, or browsers. These measures help to protect the anonymity of whistleblowers. For organisations, this means fewer compliance problems and privacy concerns.

Extremely easy to use

A whistleblower can go to an organisation's reporting page and make a report with no training required. Once the whistleblower goes to the reporting URL, they only need to complete a single-page form, then click on the button to submit their report. That’s it. For organisations, this means rapid roll out, no training, and reduced costs.

No voice recordings

All reports are typed into an online report form, ensuring high legibility and preventing whistleblowers from being identified by their voice. For organisations, this eliminates the cost of operating a dedicated hotline, which is vulnerable to misuse.

Available anywhere

Employees can access Whistler from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. This enables them to make a report from home, or from anywhere they have access to a device with internet connectivity. There is no application to download, which could compromise the identity of the whistleblower. As Whistler is a separate service and is not on the company network, the identity of whistleblowers can be protected, preventing potential reprisals. For organisations, this removes the problem of having to roll out, administer and maintain software.


We've applied best practices for accessibility to the report form, ensuring it's accessible to people using screen readers.


Whistleblowers can upload an attachment to support their report. This is not something that can be done with telephone hotlines.

Think Whistler might be suitable for your organisation?

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Whistleblowers are far less likely to use a hotline, particularly if they fear reprisals.

Hotlines can be more expensive

Establishing a dedicated phone line can be expensive. When you expand your whistleblowing program globally, costs can quickly mount up.

Costs can also increase dramatically as a result of prank calls.

Whistler is available for a low annual subscription fee that does not change no matter how many reports are made.

Increased legibility

A whistleblower calling on a hotline is likely to be nervous. Their sentences may not be well structured, and they may leave out key facts. The call quality may be bad, making an accurate transcript difficult. Strong accents can also present a major problem.

When writing a report in Whistler, a whistleblower is likely to be more composed, more likely to structure the information properly, and more likely include as many of the facts as they can recall.

Higher likelihood of getting reports

Due to Whistler's ease of use, employees will feel more confident reporting sensitive information.

Whistler protects the anonymity of the whistleblower, making it more likely they'll feel comfortable making a report knowing that their identity will be protected.

Employees are far less likely to want to record their voice on a hotline for fear that their identity may be discovered.

Ability to include evidence

Evidence is a key component of any good whistleblower case.

Whistler allows the whistleblower to upload documents, images, and recordings. This is not possible using traditional hotline services, and whistleblowers often are forced to take considerable risks to pass on documents.